Job Search Update – Progress, finally!

Job search update!

Always reminding myself this

Brief rundown:

–          Wednesday I got a voicemail from a Chick-fil-A operator of another Charlotte Chick-fil-A. His Marketing Director just left and he wanted to know if I was interested in her position.

–          My meeting with a new contact at a local marketing agency went great. They have a social media manager position opening which she asked if I would want to be considered for.

–          The recruiter I met with last week called me with a temp job opening I could interview for on Monday.

Marketing Director Position– I left my job at Marketing Director at Chick-fil-A to get my Master’s in Edinburgh, to come back to Charlotte with my Master’s degree in hand and take the same position just at a different store doesn’t show much professional progress. It would be comfortable, safe, and easy to take the job but I want to be challenged more than comfortable even though it’s a bit scary. While I wouldn’t want to take the position long term, I could serve as interim Marketing Director while he looked for someone permanent.  I could continue on my job hunt with some extra cash in my pocket not to mention potential networking opportunities. This is all hypothetical and dependent on what he’s looking for, but it’s worth a discussion so I left him a voicemail yesterday. If nothing else, it’s really encouraging that he would think of me from our occasional encounters at market events.

Marketing agency– My coffee meeting with the E, my contact at the marketing agency was fantastic. As I mentioned before, one of my mom’s friends uses this agency for her company and she put me in touch with E. I was able to pick E’s brain about working at a marketing agency, her role specifically, the unique culture of her agency, and what she thought I should do with my job search. Judging from the way she described the company, in addition to the research I’ve done on my own, I would love to work there. She asked if I’d be interested in applying for their social media manager job (which isn’t posted online) but wanted me to take some time to think about whether I’d feel too pigeon-holed in that specific position. I’ve thought about and read the job description she sent me and it is absolutely a job I want. I’m going to email her tomorrow expressing my interest. Just the prospect of this position is really exciting.

Temp job– I have very little information on the temp position the recruiter called me about. Just that it’s an 8-week contract screening potential job candidates for a local company. It would be a good resume builder, networking opportunity, and way to make some much needed money while continuing to look for something permanent.  It’s worth going to go to the interview if it’s still available to see if it’s something that might be a good short-term fit.

Maybe none of these will turn into anything but it’s so encouraging that there are actual leads, progress finally!

Recent University of Edinburgh MSc Marketing grad and UNCWilmington Communication Studies alumus. Fascinated by branding, event, social media, and interactive marketing for business. Works at Eleven Mass Media

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